#3 The Gravity — movie review

A movie that teaches us life beyond earth.

Anne Carmel
3 min readMar 29, 2021

I do not know what got into Alfonso Cuarón, but “Gravity” (2013) was a movie that needs a raise.

It all started when Dr Ryan Stone asked for a “Few minutes” Time to complete her task when they were warned about high-speed space debris. Matt Kowalski, who was in her team seems to be cool and casual even in critical stages, used to hear songs louder that made Ryan annoyed most of the time.

Her “I won't LET IT GO” attitude made her lost herself to the other side of the space. Where both her oxygen level and confidence level decreased.

This movie shows us how a woman comes so far from being a mental breakdown and decided to suicide to be the “lone survivor”

Matt was the one who kept her calm, checking on her by asking some nonsense questions and bullying her for her name in the middle of space where they can't find any more oxygen. Ryan understood how precious her life was when she saw her teammates being pierced into pieces on the space.

Matt taught Ryan to “Let it go” by letting himself go from the rope — the last hope for him to go back home. Even until the last moment before his signal could cutoff he seems to be positively asking Ryan to go back.

“You might die here and go to hell, or go back and have a hell of a story to tell”

One would learn all the value of life and how precious our mother earth is, from this movie.

It was at that time when finally Ryan got to connect a call with someone on earth who have a dog that went “WoooOooo” and a baby that cried so loud in the middle of nowhere. It's funny how someone’s trouble can be not understandable for some other one, but still, we can get that comfort. Just like our mother calls us to ask whether we had lunch in the middle of an important nerve-wracking meeting.

She taught she don’t have any more things to do to yeet from the space. And decided to do “Technical suicide” by decreasing her oxygen level.

Did she think all of matt’s struggle was to let her die like that? On the space?

Nope. Her dreams started talking to her as matt, where she gained her confidence back. Even though she knows that she only crashed the translator literally every time in her sweet olden days, she went for that “Landing” option.

It’s a DO or DIE for her.

She knew she might “Get fire burned” or “Get drunken from the salt in the sea”.

When she reached the surface, do you know what I as a viewer noticed?

“Why do people wish to go to heaven, when you are living in one?”



Anne Carmel

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